
限定版World of Warcraftの20周年記念コレクションの発売

Honored members of the Alliance and the Horde can come together for one goal today: getting awesome World of Warcraft-themed gear with our brand new Limited Edition collection!

SteelSeries is absolutely honored to announce the upcoming launch of the World of Warcraft: 20th Anniversary Limited Edition collection! Celebrating both the 20 years of Azeroth's MMORPG history as well as the launch of The War Within, we are incredibly thrilled to present this stellar collection of World of Warcraft-themed items.

As longtime fans of the franchise, we proudly shout "For the Alliance!" and "Lok'tar Ogar!" as, once again, we bring you epic gear suitable for your daring adventures across Azeroth.

Without further ado, let's "Ready Check!" and check out the video showcasing the collection and dive deeper into what it treasures it holds. Currently, you can opt to Notify Me for these products: we expect them to be available on September 24th.

World of Warcaft: 20th Anniversary Collection Video

The collection is glorious indeed! Doesn't it make you tear up just a little? Let's check out each item in more detail:

Arctis Nova 7: World of Warcraft Edition

gaming headset world of warcraft edition 高品質なネオジム磁石ドライバーで、これまで以上にAzerothの世界のサウンドに没入し、SonarのAIノイズキャンセリングアルゴリズムを備えたClearCast Gen 2マイクで味方とクリアにコミュニケーションを取りましょう。38時間のバッテリー寿命で、レイド中もその後もずっと持続し、強力なデュアルワイヤレス機能で常に接続を維持します。

Aerox 9ワイヤレス: World of Warcraft Edition

Gaming mouse mmo world of warcraft 12ボタン搭載のAerox 9ワイヤレスで、MMOゲームプレイに備えましょう。特別なデザインに加え、RGBで囲まれた際立つWorld of Warcraftのロゴが特徴です。遅延のないQuantum 2.0ワイヤレスと180時間のバッテリー寿命を備えた軽量マウスで、DPSとHPSを楽々と向上させましょう。

QcK XXL: World of Warcraft Edition

gaming mousepad world of warcraft Sargerasの剣はAzerothの歴史を変えましたが、このマウスパッドにはその壮大さが描かれています。このXXLサイズのマイクロウーブンクロス製のマットでデスクを飾り、マウスとキーボードに最適な滑らかな表面を確保しましょう。Put it all together with this.

アルチザンキーキャップ:World of Warcraft Edition

Keyboard keycap wow Sargerasの剣を美しく細部まで描いた、この手作りのキーキャップで、キーボードに印象的なアクセントを加えましょう。個別にシリアル番号が振られたこの樹脂製のキーキャップは、前面にWorld of Warcraftのロゴをあしらい、あなたの過去と未来の功績を記念します。

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Booster Pack: Alliance Edition and Horde Edition

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It's time to choose your side. Declare your allegiance to either faction with these themed speaker plates and headband. Choose either color to heed the warcry of the Alliance with the vivid blue or of the Horde with the famous crimson. Fitting for Arctis Nova 7 or Nova Pro headsets.

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Receive free in-game goodies

Each item comes with one redeemable code for a collectible item from this list: (Grinning Reaverマウント、Battle Turtleマウント、またはLil' Flameo)が付いてきます。See the product pages for details.

The War Within Guides

Are you ready to venture beneath the surface of Azeroth to battle the greatest threat you've ever faced? No? Well, it's time to brush up on the new mechanics and features of The War Within. Check out our handy guides linked below to familiarize yourself with powerful Hero Talents, Warband features, Delves, and more!

War Within WoW